The heart is considered the domain of love for a reason. It is a naturally soft and vulnerable place inside our chest, in a state of natural surrender at all times. But, it is our brain that resists and fights for control and separation to keep ourselves "safe."
Our brains can go into fight or flight, and it is the brain that sends the signals to our hands to grab on to something, like a spear. This is an essential evolutionary function that kept us from being eaten by saber tooth tigers and is still a necessary part of our survival, but one that must be managed. Can we evolve into dropping the defenses and working our reactions to create more love, peace, and harmony in the world?
When we settle in, even for a moment, we can connect to our heart space. We can hear the heart's still, small voice saying, "All is well. Relax. Surrender. Breathe. Trust." At those moments, our brains and hearts may be flooded with oxytocin, commonly referred to as the "love" or "social bonding" hormone, according to the Heartmath Institute.
Then, like a lotus flower, both the brain and the heart can blossom and come into coherence. We can surrender and, in so doing, make higher choices for ourselves and for others from a place of love and compassion.
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